Kristyn Stillwell
Who IS She
Kristyn Stillwell is the Executive Director of HOPE Haven. Kristyn spent her corporate years working in the computer science field and then went on to direct sales and marketing jobs for many years. She has been working with the homeless as a volunteer for over 20 years. The last fourteen years she has been building outreach ministries around Northwest Houston. These ministries have grown to over one thousand volunteers a year and feed over two thousand meals a year. Over eight years ago she quit her job to start non-profit HTX H.O.P.E. Haven. The mission is to Help Others Pursue Excellence. They do this by moving people from crisis to lifelong self-sufficiency. They have helped over 1500 people get to some start of stable housing. Her passion is to educate the community on homelessness and inspire others to want to “Be the Change” they wish to see in the world.

My Motto: Be the Change

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Upcoming Events:
Governance Board Meeting Aug 21st at 6:30 P.M.
Advisory Board Meeting Wed Aug 28th at 7 P.M.,